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Session Overview:
Paul Speight will take you on a journey of how he first came into contact with emerging technologies, he will map out different projects that have played a part in getting us to where we now are. How the use of 360 filming methods to enhance road safety nationally and internationally, led us to recognising the potential of integrating virtual reality 360 into our training, being able to deliver an experiential learning experience that aids cognitive development.
Paul will explain how the benefits of being immersed in a virtual training environment, which will eliminate distraction, increase retention rate giving an interactive engaging, and enjoyable learning experience.
Paul will show and demonstrate the new projects he is working on, the latest to be completed is the; Fire in Tall Buildings Immersive 360 Training, which is NOG (National Occupational Guidance) compliant.
Paul will have a number of virtual reality 360 headsets so he can talk about and demonstrate the advancements in how we deliver virtual-reality training. The audience will have the opportunity to experience this new innovative training method and will showcase some of the most up-to-date training that is available.
Paul will finish his presentation with his own personal thoughts on where he sees the possible advancement of emerging technologies, and how it could change the Fire and Rescue Service as we know it, very interesting and will create a lot of discussions.
The presentation is professionally put together and is engaging, interactive, and enjoyable, the presentation is very visual and informative.